2025 First Quarter Status Update

2025 First Quarter Status Update

Most of you are probably eager to see what is coming next, so i decided to post this little update for everyone because you guys deserve to be up-to-date. 

My main focus for the first few months of this year is releasing updates to all my packages, adding fictionally branded versions (rebranding) because of the current FiveM situation. Sadly this does take a fairly long time, since i don't just erase the real brands, but i try to create similar, fitting fictional brands to replace them. This obviously complicates and extends the whole procedure greatly. Coming up with so many fictional brand names and logos is exhausting. In addition, i have made small fixes and various other updates to the packs that have been updated, thus delaying the progress even more. 
Since January i have released updates to 10 packages, but i think i'm nearing a small mental burn-out, so i have slowed down a little this past week. 

It's also fair to note that i'm currently in the process of transitioning into an LLC., ThinLineSanctuary LLC.! Very exciting, but also a very exchausting! I will talk more about what this means for us later, once everything is finalized. 

So, to speed up the process a little bit i have decided to mostly leave the packages as they are, meaning they will not receive anything else other than the fictionally branded versions and small fixes if necessary. 

In addition, i have made the updates-changelogs channel on our Discord publicly viewable, so any non-customer members can stay updated on which packages received the fictional brandings update. 

Here is the list of the packages that currently have fictionally branded versions available as of today (17th of February, 2025):

Realistic branding will still be supported on all old, and new releases. 

The big question: When is a new release coming? 
I wish i could answer you that question. I'm trying to get this sorted out as fast as i can, so i can start working on my main projects again! I hope you understand this situation and bare with me!:)

- sergeantfranki 
17th of February, 2025