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das LE Duty Gear Bundle .
Die Streamlight Stinger DS LED HL-Taschenlampe ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug für die Strafverfolgung, das für maximale Ausleuchtung ausgelegt ist. Mit seinem Dual-Switch-System kann es einfach mit dem Schwanz- oder Kopfschalter aktiviert werden. Die hellen LEDs bieten einen langlebigen Lichtstrahl, sodass Sie bis zu 90 Meter weit sehen können. Greifen Sie zu Ihrem Streamlight Stinger, wenn zuverlässige Beleuchtung ein Muss ist.
Funktionen / Kompatibilität
ThinLineSanctuary ist nicht Eigentümer der - Streamlight - Logos / Urheberrechte / Marken / Grafikdrucke. Alle genannten Marken gehören ihren respektvollen Eigentümern.
Jegliche Verwendung dieser Marken erfolgt im Rahmen der fairen Verwendung und dient ausschließlich der Freude des Endbenutzers.
Veröffentlicht im Juni 2023
Purchased a while ago and when i installed it and went in game is was huge and bulky. Requesting it to be updated pls.
Hey Mark,
The picture you posted does not seem to feature our flashlight model. I'm not exactly sure but it seems like you are showing a vanilla prop.
Our flashlight model replaces the weapon flashlight which you can equip through your weapon wheel.
Great change for my wardens, when they show up now they at least look decent!!
High quality models, amazing customization options. And overall, amazing work!
It looks nice, but also feels nice. It gives a whole new feel to the switch blade.
Great in game weapon, looks great on my videos and plan to buy more from TLS.
Best ems pack out there, the variety of colors and options, the quality is outstanding, and even providing the photoshop texture files to edit them to our liking is perfect. Could not recommend more than already have!
I love the vest it gives my game a better realistic feel and look.I love the different variety of styles and colors you can choose from to fit you specific need.Im a small content creator channel and I have tons of your product I purchased in game and I’m glad I purchased it.Worth every penny I spent.Keep up the great work !!!!
There's no competition in my mind, these are the cleanest and best uniforms that I have ever used in LSPDFR.
Once I customised all my backup to respond with these uniforms, my game felt so much more realistic and alive.
If you want the great quality, and easy to install uniforms, defiantly get these!
(Uniforms I Used: - LSPD, SAST & BCSO Packages)
Great prodduct, works well and looks great
It’s well worth the price for the realism.
Very clean looking, great choice of colors!!